And Now it Can Begin

The last week of school holidays, capped off with a long weekend to really end it with a bang! Now it feels like time to start the New Year! February is the return to school, new uniforms, schools & classes, reunited with friends at school and at after-school activities. That’s the kids sorted!

And what about you?


Now is the time you can take a breath, and decide what you want to do with the extra hours you now have.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Perhaps you’re looking forward to doing the work you’ve put aside while the kids were home.
  • Or getting it done during business hours in a more businesslike way.
  • Now’s your chance to return to your usual activities or start new ones – this is the time adult education classes resume, sports and crafts and other activities start again.
  • Focus on what it is you want to do – learn a new skill or go the next level on an old one.
  • Catch up with friends.
  • Look after you – have you been putting off health checks? Have you forgotten what it’s like to relax and play? Give yourself permission to put you first, schedule it in and make it happen.
  • Is it time to find that new role you’ve been talking about?
  • Or return to study?
  • Or volunteer for something you know will make a difference.

Even though I no longer have school aged children I well remember February as the time I could say “And now it’s my turn again”. Life returned to normal, whatever normal was at the time, or a new normal could begin. Once the kids returned to school it didn’t take long before I felt ready to start for me. I feel that excitement now and I am ready to make things happen!

Not sure what you want to do with your time once your days are freed up again? Or are you swamped with doing all the things that need to be done and wish you had time to do what you want to do? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you get clear on what you want and make it happen.