Balancing Work & Life


This week I was described as having skipped the teenaged years, a responsible grownup from 2 years of age. Perhaps an exaggeration, although it did take me some time to learn to balance responsibility with fun, friends, and family! Even now there are times when I have to catch myself and consciously make time for me, for fun stuff, for socializing.

Here’s what I do:

  • I forgive myself for not wanting to work 24/7. I can only keep tweaking, refining, making things better up to a point. After that I’m sitting alone, basking in my progress but no longer enjoying my success.
  • I’ve embraced my introvert nature and manage my social life in a way that doesn’t exhaust me and have me crawl back into isolation afterward.
  • I work my hours; not the socially acceptable ones, the ones that work for me. This gives me the flexibility to take time out when I need it and do the activities I enjoy, with people I enjoy being with.
  • Social activities are tied in with business activities. I stop in between to reflect and to connect with those I’ve been working with. For example, one of the best parts of a Toastmasters meeting is the socializing after the meeting.
  • Travel – my travel bug is still being satisfied by house sitting. With each assignment, I get to make new friends and I am a welcomed guest. With the many return visits I get to enjoy catching up with the owners often with dinner & drinks, and updates and progress on both their lives and that of the pets I look after.
  • Long phone calls with friends, both near and far, count as socializing. Who says Friday night drinks with friends too far away to visit can’t be by phone!
  • Weekends are generally mine, no work commitments, no rushing anywhere, no guilt about pottering around at home and I make plans for later in the day.

Life is not just about being responsible. Saying yes to social activities means new friends, different activities and new perspectives. And, yes, even some stretching out of my comfort zone.

Are you making time for a social life? Can’t fit it in? Too busy? Not sure how, or what even? The benefits far outweigh all the reasons you think are stopping you. If you’re ready to create space in your life to live life your way, contact me to see how I can help.