Change and the Resistance to It

This week as my transition continues I watch success intermingle with failure and at each point, I get to ask myself – what is really going on here? I get to remind myself – why exactly did I want this? and I get to acknowledge to myself – I did that so much better than last time!

Change, regardless of whether I instigated it or if it was imposed on me, gives me a chance to see who I am, warts and all, and what I’m made of. As old familiar patterns surface, I have new opportunities to see the situation and handle it differently.


Change and challenge go hand in hand. Stepping up also means stepping out of my comfort zone. For me, that’s about speaking up. It’s about not assuming that everyone thinks like me. Sometimes it’s about listening to others and staying quiet. To see another viewpoint helps adjust my viewpoint and my actions can also be adjusted.

So that’s what’s really going on here – as much as I want the change I’m struggling with it, a part of me doesn’t want it, it’s too hard, I am resisting it.

I know the familiar signs of resistance, both what goes on for me physically (this week I’ve had headaches – that never happens) and in the dynamics of the people I interact with (particularly when I’m being micromanaged – I hate that). And I’ve had the opportunity to address it, first by debriefing and getting the emotion out of the way (I love my listening friends!). From there I could step into the amazing me that I am, hear what the real aim is and come up with ideas and actions that have integrity for me and achieve the end result we’re after.

So why exactly did I want this? I’d gone as far as I could go and realized I can’t do more until I become more. It’s time to grow, to learn new skills, to be in the world in a whole other way. To give myself new opportunities and to offer more of the gifts I have to more of the people in the world.  Yes, I want this.

As I reflect on the week past I realize I absolutely did so much better than the last time. I addressed the problem much sooner.  I was less critical of everyone (especially myself) and I allowed human-ness to be revealed and honored. Real action can now be taken and we can move on.  Another step in this transition has been taken.

Struggling with change? Want to let go of the resistance? Contact me to help get you back on track.