Currently, I’m in the process of reinventing myself. My Weight Loss Without the Scales concept is not yet ready to leave me. I’m not quite sure where it will lead me, though. I do know there is something more that can come from it.
At the moment, I’m spending (maybe too much) time building quite a collection of interesting articles and stories of inspirational weight loss, time management tips and clearing the clutter out of the way. I know that clients often come to me confused, their head full of “stuff,” with complications that are in the way and I know that with another perspective they walk away clear on where they’re going and what they have to do. As a Weight Watchers leader, I made the rules simple and fun and the journey was much more enjoyable, and the results, whatever they were, were worth celebrating.
I’m having many ah-ha moments about me, about what I offer, about what I do so easily. The biggest ah-ha’s are the reminders that as a “neat freak” cleaning, tidying, sorting and simplifying things come naturally to me. To create a clean space, to see what’s there and what little bits are needed to make into something special and original and beautiful – they are the things that light me up. That’s playing!
I have watched myself many times, squashing myself and everything I need into one small space because everyone and everything else is more important. The frustration of having to move everything out of the way just to get to what I need is usually my tipping point. There comes a time where somewhere in all the busy-ness the point of it becomes lost.
That’s when it’s time to simplify things, put away what I don’t need and free up the space to think, to create, to relax and enjoy once more. Freedom and clarity come from taking stock of where I’m at and allows me the space to re-focus on what I’m really going for. With those thoughts in place let me leave you with a question – where in life are you being weighed down?
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