Exciting Changes!

Last week I knew big changes were coming but that they weren’t quite here yet. In the past I would’ve stayed in limbo land – not moving forward, everything on hold until I knew for certain what was going on, feeling sorry for myself, calling friends for reassurance.

I’m so glad I’m past that! Instead I kept on being in life with energy and with gusto taking actions that needed to be taken both for now and for what I am going for. Here’s how I spent the week – busy, productive and moving on.

Morning walks were a challenge mainly because my active brain was keeping me awake at night. When I did walk I used the time available without berating myself because I’d missed out. Eg one day I did a big walk, another day it was a short one that fit in amongst other things that needed to be done.

I continued getting my blog, workshop and coaching self out there.

My posts continued – I’m still evolving my thoughts on a concept of Weight Loss without the Scales by sharing my own weight loss journey, recipes, tips on living a healthy and energised life.

I took the time to learn some new skills from a free webinar (thanks Janet Beckers from Wonderful Web Women).

I got out there with a flyer and introduced myself to many local real estate agents letting them know I offer de-cluttering services that can help their clients either at the time of moving or before the move to help increase the sale price of their property.

I coached several clients.

Reconnected with a part of my past (16 years on and there was no hesitation in providing references for me) and I’m powering at my part time job.

So today the changes begin (because everything starts afresh on Monday remember!) A new part-time role with people focus (as opposed to numbers focus) and closer (total travel time will be 3 minutes walk) to home. I am reminded that when things become too routine and the interest wanes a change can make a great difference. This is a change I’ve been working towards and it will definitely be interesting to see how things evolve with this next stage of my journey.


If you’re looking for a creative partner in your success call or contact Endless Opportunities Life Coaching for a 30-minute no-obligation clarity session.