This week I realized I’m surrounded by a family of stars! And they’re all really nice people as well! It’s not just that we are related by birth there is real friendship, caring, and support that has grown over the years we have known each other, sharing life’s great moments and its challenges as well.
When family can’t be there, there are friends – those crazy, amazing people in our lives who provide other perspectives and other ways to explore & live life. There are the friendships that have stood the test of time, amazing short-term friendships that were perfect for the moment and the ones that had to end. When the family is not there, friends become family; the surrogates who are there to support when the family cannot. In some cases, friendships may outlast family.
Have there been times when friends and family relationships have not been so good? Absolutely! Hearts have been broken and mended, hurtful words have been forgiven and strong boundaries and open vulnerabilities have made the relationships stronger, real and more authentic. And sometimes we have to let the family go – like the one who found being with us too painful, who opted not to be with us and for that we have all missed out. Acceptance of this journey is the only loving option.
Whether family or friend, when the laughter and caring are genuine there is a real connection. Respect and acceptance of our journeys provide the space needed to travel alone for a while. Our family traditions allow us to come back together to reconnect and celebrate or commiserate, as the case may be.
What is life without family and friends? Our days can be filled with work, or success, or travel or whatever we choose to do with our time but without being able to share it with others it can all become meaningless.
Healthy relationships with family and friends contribute to our well-being, our sense of belonging or even our reason for being and our growth. Whether they are your family by birth or the family of friends you meet, surrounding yourself with those who support you, are there for you and who lift you to be to become all you can be is one of the great gifts we can give ourselves.
Are you tired of the people dramas that surround you? Contact me to see how partnering with a life coach can help you develop the rich connections with family and friends you really want.