Goodbye 2016!

And so here it is, the last week of 2016! For me, the week between Christmas and New Year is guilt-free time off where I can just “be”, connect with family and friends whether by phone, in writing or in person, and begin to plan my next year.

In sharing with others this past week or so I’m inspired by their stories; how lovely to hear of their successes and to hold the space for them as they recall the tougher times they’ve come through this year. Life really is an amazing array of experiences!  In looking back there is much to appreciate and, with lessons learned, there are the seeds of new beginnings. This week I’ve also had some glimpses of how I appear to others, and it’s been a pleasant surprise to understand what the comments and compliments actually mean! To observe myself outside of myself has been a revealing exercise in acknowledging all that I am and all that I have become. 2016 has been, for me, a real bedding down of change and my own proactive involvement in it. As a result, I’m feeling more confident in my own skills and abilities, in who I am and even more so, in who I am choosing to become.


After the acknowledgment and celebration of what was, and letting go of all that no longer is needed, the question becomes “what next?” Ideas have been brewing for a while and steps have been taken to start. I will spend the time between Christmas and New Year with family & friends exploring the ideas and formalizing the possible steps I need to take to bring them to fruition.

Happy New Year! May 2017 be all that you want and more!