It’s about time – and managing the important things.

One of the impacts of procrastination is the time pressures that escalate. This month I’ll be sharing my slant on time management.

We all have the same number of hours in each day yet some seem to achieve so much more in the same time. I keep hearing that time is not the problem. The problem (apparently) is not about managing time, the problem is about managing priorities, something I don’t really want to hear about when I’m running late.

The truth is, it is about managing priorities. When I’m trying to be the perfectionist, that  priority has taken over. When I’m trying to be Superwoman and do just one more quick thing before I leave, that priority has taken over. And when I want to add that little bit more value to the job or person I’m with, that priority has taken over.

My priority management definitely affects my time management and then it really is all about crisis management. Running late means, I am literally running everywhere I go. There’s no time to stop and enjoy the scenery, or anything else either, along the way either. It’s usually at these times I am surprised by the speeding ticket that arrives in the mail, the injury that happens, or the crunch that happens as a result of “I’ll get to that later”. Ouch!

The priorities must change. Good enough must become more important than perfection. Being relaxed and giving myself some breathing space must become more important than being Superwoman. And adding value without taking time must also become a priority.

And while all this is happening there is also a priority for consistency, forgiveness when I slip up and continuing success with my efforts. This will come with time.


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