Magic Fairies

Since acknowledging my return to the Weight Watchers way of losing weight I’ve felt myself lighten up about it all. Once more there is balance as to what I’m doing and why!

It’s not about the scales at  all – yep, I forgot that! It’s about life and living what I’d love, and being in the world as well.

This week I’ve been looking at my finances. I’m very grateful for my part-time role which is supporting me in so many ways. For the first time in a long time I am working in an environment that encourages making mistakes and learning. This is in such contrast to what I now recognize as the fear based environments I thought were the only way things could be in a job. I must say, I am enjoying this much more pleasant and freeing way to live!

I’m also learning about team work. Job share means I’m beginning to let go of a lot of my ideas about needing to do it all by myself. The well-run organization I’m in has systems in place that make it seem as if everything works by magic. I don’t have to do it all! The magic fairies do things when I’m not there! As I grow in confidence with the new skills I’m learning I realize that I can be one of those magic fairies. How cool – to make someone’s day by providing them with what they need before they need it!

I am also very grateful for my coaching business that supports me in so many other ways. I think I am finally beginning to trust that I am supported and that I can support myself. I have made the decision to take charge of my finances, to be debt free and to grow my income streams. I know what that looks like to me now. I want to enjoy life without having to worry about money and the bills that have to be paid and with that in mind I have set up some automatic payments that will free me up to grow the other areas of my life. I want to be my own magic fairy and make my day by providing what I need before I need it!

Now that I’ve taken the pressure off myself about how much weight I need to lose and how I need to lose it, I can see the many other things in my life. There are actions I can take there as well, actions that support both my weight goals and my life choices.


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