The New Job

Last week just flew by! So many new awarenesses and so little time to share them all so here’s just a bit of what’s going on.

I managed to fit in a lot with working a couple of part-time jobs, a coaching client or two and Christmas and birthday socialising. A big load, and by Friday morning I realised how tired I was. With all of that going on I’ve been watching the changes to my routine and the impact it’s having on how I’m doing it all.

I knew that some things had to go during this transition period and the obvious one for me is exercise. Getting up early and having to get up early are two very different things. The mornings are no longer filled with a walk and a leisurely breakfast; as a matter of fact, breakfast is lucky to get finished before I have to run out the door! As I find a new routine that works I’m trying a couple of things eg preparing breakfast to take with me for later. It’s been very refreshing to find that the morning tea supplied is actually a very healthy assortment of fresh bread rolls, avocado, vegetable sticks, cold meats and cheeses, jam, vegemite and peanut butter. Great offerings like these have helped keep my energy levels up.

By the end of the day I’m tired and dinners have been simple fares. I am lucky that I am one of those who enjoys cooking and the preparation for me is often a great way to calm and de-stress with the added benefit of something yummy and healthy to eat after it all.   Fruit or vegetable sticks are usually close by to keep me going on the way to the next thing.

Last week I focused on continuing to eat healthily and getting enough rest. I know that tiredness leads me to comfort eat so I’ve been watching that.  The exercise part will come back (I’m sure today’s Christmas shopping expedition more than made up for the missing parts from earlier in the week!). I will get into the swing of my new routine and things will become easier. I will have only one part-time job and it is one that fills me rather than takes from me. I will finish early enough to use the summer daylight hours for leisurely walks and to enjoy sunsets now rather than sunrises. This transition stage is one that is stretching me but with a focus on my bigger picture and an end in sight, I know that I am on the way to where I want to be.


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