New Year, New Start?

I love a new start, a clean slate, a fresh opportunity and New Year is the obvious time. Right now I’m in holiday mode and I want to stay there for a while longer!

I’m spending the time:

  • Relaxing – reading, sunshine, leisurely times with friends, and sharing my family’s adventures
  • Enjoying the beautiful surroundings I’m in – swimming, walking the dog, exploring the area, living a lifestyle I never imagined I would ever live and
  • Planning my year – using a multitude of checklists, planners, and visualizations to help me get started on the right foot.

Relaxing without guilt does not come easily to me. In between this amazingness, I’m feeling a pressure to perform, to get on with it and to get it perfect, as if this is my last chance to do so. Ridiculous I know and yet it keeps popping up. I’m good with the public holidays, the weekends and the evenings. I give myself permission to relax during these times but the weekdays are different. I know they’re not different but the age-old conditioning thinks: It’s a work day, I should be working. I’m in business, I need to plan, hustle and get going before it’s too late.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

And so I breathe. I’m taking the pressure off myself. I have a choice and I choose to start the year how I want to finish it – feeling rich and abundant!  Where I am right now is where I need to be – be with it. The holiday time, time with friends, new experiences, new ideas and conversations are more than likely exactly what I need to begin creating my year.

Want some clarity around your year? Contact me to find out how working with a life coach can help you get clear and create your best year yet.
