Reclaim Your Power

reclaim-your-lifeThis week a few things “happened to me”. When I hear these words I now know they are not true and they are not empowering. Most importantly they are trigger words telling me that I need to do something differently.

The next evolution in my message is here. I have simplified my life and have begun to reclaim it, living life my way, even if it makes no sense to others. After this week’s events, I’ve realized all of this has been leading to me reclaiming my power. Even when I thought I was it seems there’s still more to go and it’s time for me to step up & take that next step.

I look back and now see – simplifying my life has been a step, a strategy, that’s helped get me to where I am today. With a simpler life, I have been able to reclaim my life. After the events of the week, I see that reclaiming my life has been a step, a strategy that is now taking me to where I want to be – a place where I can reclaim my power.

reclaim-your-powerThis week the goal posts shifted. When I hear myself saying “this always happens to me” I have a choice. I can react and quit, lashing out at the person who wanted more from me, getting angry that I was not even acknowledged as having reached the milestone, without being told it was time to up the ante, to go that extra mile. This is my opportunity to ask myself “is this what I really want?” I have a choice – to continue playing the victim because someone else moved the goal posts or to step up, reclaim my power and put the goal posts where I want them.

Things don’t “happen to me”. That critical inner voice taunts me “you’ve been here before, what are you going to do about it?” The answer is the process that works for me – I’ve simplified my life, I’ve certainly made great steps to reclaiming it and now it’s time to take the action I need to take for myself and reclaim my power.

Are you ready to join me and reclaim your power?  Contact me to see how coaching with me supports you as you take your next step.