Setbacks – the Crisis Point for Positive Change

It was Einstein who said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Why does this quote inspire me when I’m talking about setbacks? Setbacks are an obvious point at which to review, refocus and take action. However, doing more of the same is not the answer.


Doing more of the same leads to:

  • Exhaustion
  • Burnout
  • Frustration
  • Failure

And the whole can feel like insanity is close by. What follows is self-doubt, questioning, fear, the challenge to the perception of who you are and what it’s all about. This is not only a crisis point; it’s also the point where a paradigm shift is not too far away.

This is the point of tension, where the options are:

  • Retreat and give up, taking comfort in the fact that you tried or
  • Forge a new path by taking a different action.

This week I’ve been at the point of tension where every belief is challenged, and every different action feels extremely uncomfortable. At each point of fear and challenge I have taken action, a different action than that which I usually take; things I would not normally do.

This week:

  • I’ve followed every option that’s been presented to me, no matter how outlandish it seemed. From this I’ve been able to close down one path, there are no more ‘what if’ doubts about it, and a new path has opened up.
  • I’ve reached out; seeking answers from people I would normally hesitate to call. As a result I’ve been given real advice from the experts and received offers of help from the most unexpected sources.
  • I’ve continued taking random actions that seem left field and by doing so I’m staying calm, feeling empowered and watching my confidence grow as I am reminded of things that I’d forgotten I was good at. They are making a difference right now and will support my success.

So, if the point of tension feels like insanity and doing more of the same thing and expecting a different result also feels like insanity – what then needs to happen? The answer is to take a different action. Yes, it will feel uncomfortable but if nothing changes then nothing changes. Holding focus on the destination and taking different action must give a different result. By taking different action towards what I want I am forging a new path, collecting new skills and building connections to take me past where I once was, where I am now and on to where I will be.

If you’re ready to do things differently but not sure how, then contact me for your free 1/2-hr strategy session.