Simplify your life and enjoy life’s simple pleasures

When was the last time you squealed with joy?

I spent some time watching this child at the beach last weekend and oh! to see the joy and fun he was having! There were no limits to his adventure, no hesitation to diving in or expressing that joy. He was loving every moment of it – his every move challenged “bring it on”!


It was only as I reflected life as a serious adult did a sadness come in. When did I last stop and just enjoy, and laugh and squeal with delight? Being a responsible adult has a whole other energy to it and sometimes it seems to take over everything and then it’s as if I’ve forgotten how to laugh and even wonder why.

I love the beach and I still love to play that game of running away from the wave before it gets me but to express it as freely as this child? Sure, if no-one is watching! I can laugh at myself as I write this which is a good sign. I like my private moments and sometimes that joy slips out in public and I get caught out – the belly laugh, the snorting that lets me know I’m really laughing – and then it doesn’t matter. That laughter is infectious, sometimes just to me and often to others as well.

When I find myself getting all serious on life again time out at the beach, a walk, watching children play, or hanging out with someone I can be easy with reminds me it’s the simple things that make life worth it. Sometimes it’s not about squealing with joy, sometimes it just about the gratitude and peace of appreciating life as it is and me where I am, right here, right now.


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