Simplify your workday with routines

Last time, I talked about routines and how they can simplify your life. Repeated regularly they are great time savers.

Here’s a couple for the work day.simply-your-workday-with-routines-Endless-Opportunities

1. What key tasks can you turn into a routine? If it’s a regular task perhaps it can become part of your natural routine, something you can knock over fast rather than have it be a daunting task.

2. Are there tasks you can bundle together? Set aside a dedicated time and get them done in one block of time eg return emails and phone calls, file once at the end of the day, write a weeks worth of blogs in one sitting.

3. What new routines can you start? Plan the week ahead. Get clear on your 3 most important tasks. Do these before doing the easy tasks. Schedule in time for email replies and return phone calls.

4. Review your day or your week. See whats working, whats not. Debrief on your own or with a buddy.

5. Are your routines still working for you? When a routine occurs unconsciously we often don’t check in to ask if it’s still useful.   A new set of eyes or asking the question “why this way?” could mean a simpler way, a faster way or a less stressful way.

A routine can save time and help get things done quickly. Routines can be easily taught and also easily managed or delegated. Systems and routines are perfect for making life easy.


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