Winding down – it’s okay to take a break and enjoy it!

And this week I thought I would be winding down for the year! Finishing up a whole life and starting a new one means that things are still being finalised even as I embark on this next adventure of a full-time role during the day and keeping things going outside of that. The lead up included a … [Read more...]

Spring Clean Your Life

Photo by Helloimnik on Unsplash Spring cleaning (or whatever time of the year a refresh is needed) is about letting go of the old and setting the foundations for the new adventure to come. Sometimes the push for change comes from an unexpected outside event. While acknowledging the need for … [Read more...]


Photo by George Desipris on “You have arrived.” With these comforting words from my GPS I breathe – I made it! What started as a crazy idea has come to life and into physical reality. I have arrived and that’s worth celebrating! The idea, to travel & work from a beautiful remote … [Read more...]

Saying “Yes” to the Adventure & the Ten Things I Learned

A few weeks ago I was offered an opportunity I hadn’t expected or planned on. It meant reshuffling my calendar, stepping outside of my old familiar routine (read: comfort zone) and asking for support to take up the offer. I said yes to the adventure and to see where it would take me. Here’s what I … [Read more...]