Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash The smallest things can cause the biggest upsets! This week I had a call from a client asking, “Why do I let things upset me so much?” - a change of plans she wasn’t told about (very inconsiderate on their part), the expectation that she’d handle it all (because … [Read more...]
Change and the Resistance to It
This week as my transition continues I watch success intermingle with failure and at each point, I get to ask myself – what is really going on here? I get to remind myself – why exactly did I want this? and I get to acknowledge to myself – I did that so much better than last time! Change, … [Read more...]
Setbacks – the Crisis Point for Positive Change
It was Einstein who said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Why does this quote inspire me when I’m talking about setbacks? Setbacks are an obvious point at which to review, refocus and take action. However, doing more of the same is not the … [Read more...]