Photo by Rawpixel on Unsplash Getting back on track with time, money and what’s really important. Routines and structures are some of my biggest saviours. They are efficient, save me both time and money and reduce my stress as I take comfort in the certainty that returns to my world. As an … [Read more...]
Is that routine still working?
Habits and routines are a great way to simplify your life. What can happen though is that they become unconscious. It pays to check in occasionally and ask the question - is what I'm doing still actually useful? Why do I do it that way? Because I've always done it that way is usually a signal that … [Read more...]
Wasted Time
Friday already! My thoughts this morning were around what I didn't get done this week, and the mind chatter was unhelpfully telling me I wasted time and what I could've/should've/would've done. An expression that comes to mind is what was called "The Dozen Egg Syndrome." It goes something like … [Read more...]