Simplify your life – thank you 2014

As 2014 approaches its end, I am reviewing all that I’ve achieved (and fallen short on) this year. The year has been one of change and growth for many, including me.

For me, there was a sense of being comfortable (too comfortable) and changes were needed for different results. This year I learned new business skills, did more presentations and facilitations, found new support and new clients, and I finally owned that I provide both coaching and bookkeeping services to help my clients simplify their lives. In many ways, I’m ending the year on a high. 2014 saw me expanding my world, adding more to it and getting lost, frustrated and giving up on some parts as well.Simplify-your-life-thank-you-2014-Endless-Opportunities

I fell off my blogging wagon this year.  All was going well and then I lost momentum, Time slipped away and before I know 2014 is just about over. With 10 days to go, catching up on the lost blogs isn’t going to happen. Letting my blogs slip is the biggest disappointment of my year and major area of re-focus in 2015.

With my decision to explore life and the world as a house sitter, I created a fabulous opportunity to really simplify and declutter my life.  Most of my worldly goods travel with me in my car.  I thought I had things sorted and down to the minimum – I can tell you I still have way too much with me! It’s also obvious how organised I really have to be now.  I have to be ready to go without everything in its place before I start.

And so I wrap up my year, acknowledging what I’ve achieved, what’s worked and what hasn’t – my disappointments included.  With this done I can put it all behind me – the good, the bad and the ugly. Starting 2015 afresh can now be done.

If you would like the opportunity to wrap up your year, put it rest and set your focus on making 2015 your best year yet I am offering free ½ hour phone sessions for you to do just this. All you need to do is contact me via phone, text, message or email and we can make a time for you.


If you’re looking for a creative partner in your success call or contact Endless Opportunities Life Coaching for a 30-minute no-obligation clarity session.