Who says you’re supposed to do that?


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With 60 days of the year left my 90 day plan still has gaping holes in it and I am feeling the pressure to fill them, because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do, right? This week I was reminded that there is no rush to do or be or achieve anything, that I am the scriptwriter of my life. With that reminder, I have decided to look at my 90 day plan in a whole other way.

There was a time in my life when I finally got hold of the idea that I can be prepared ahead, a day at a time, a week at a time, a month at a time. I think that’s as far as I got but oh, the difference to my world was palpable.

  • My stress levels reduced.
  • I slept better, ate healthier, and enjoyed long daily walks in the fresh air and sunshine.
  • At work I was efficient and effective and I got heaps done.
  • My debt went down and my savings went up.
  • I felt in control.
  • I could make changes.
  • The unexpected things that popped could be managed.
  • My social life was active.
  • Life was fun.

Somewhere along the way I lost all this. And I want it back again, this time going further – 3 months at a time, a year at a time, 5yrs ahead. The place to start is with a vision that is bigger than the one I’ve settled for ie vague, based on survival, exhaustion, and doing more of the same when really now is the time when something different is needed. A vision interspersed with reminders that I can, because I have.

Back to my 90 day plan – it’s not because I’m “supposed” to do it, it’s because I want to do it. This means new steps I’m unsure of, new role models I’ve yet to find and settling into a new way of seeing myself in the world. And compassion for myself and for others as I go forward in this next part of my life’s journey.

Feeling the pressure to do something because someone says you have to? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help work out what it is that You want to do and make that happen.