10 tips to keep the New Year’s resolutions momentum going

New year's-resolution-400x400New Year’s resolutions – or just another goal gone by the wayside?

Did you know that only 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions, or goals, actually succeed?

75% are still going after the first week – that’s ¼ who have already quit!

64% one month later – that’s 1 in 3 who’ve stopped.

By about the 6 week mark the excuses start – Listen to the self talk and justifications that come up eg I’m too busy or I wasn’t really committed in the first place.

Most have failed by 6 months – 46% are still being followed beyond 6 months – that’s less than ½ of those who started are still actively working towards achieving their goals.

Here are my 10 tips to being one of the 8% who succeed in bringing their New Year’s resolutions (or goals) to life.

  1. Get clear, be specific, and set SMART goals. Use positive tense words.
  2. Make goals that are yours – not anyone else’s. It’s not about what “they” think or even what you “should” do. Unrealistic goals motivated by fear or guilt won’t work.
  3. Do it for you. People may look at you weird and try to talk you out of it but it’s yours, so go for it. It doesn’t have to mean anything to anyone else. What’s important is that it means something to you.
  4. Now you’re clear on what you want it’s time to set yourself up for success. Spend regular time visualising and choosing the end result of what you want. Remove any distractions you’re aware of now and any that come up along the way.
  5. Break it into smaller chunks. A big goal can feel daunting and overwhelming.
  6. Stick with it – knowing what you’re going for means you’ll stick with it through the tough times and there will be tough times. When tough times hit then….
  7. Surround yourself with support and accountability – a new circle of influences that encourage your progress, an accountability partner, coach or buddy who will touch base with you regularly, who will hold you all the way to your end result and who will call you on your excuses and stories as to why it’s too hard.
  8. Expect setbacks – life gets in the way, disappointments happen. Acknowledge the setback, refocus, and take baby steps again until you’re back on track.
  9. Have a plan ready for those times – you know when you’re going to trip up. Have a strategy you can call on to get past it. Have responses ready for the naysayers who may even be family and friends. Let them have their opinion without letting it stop you from get where you want to go.
  10. Celebrate the milestones – recognise and celebrate them along the way, the small steps, the big hurdles and the ultimate end result.


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