With gratitude and thanks

gratitudePhoto by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

This week’s theme is gratitude and appreciation. Whether it’s spoken out loud, written down or a moment of reflection the feeling of gratitude can help to pick yourself up when you’re feeling low.

Spoken – hearing the words out loud brings it all to another level.

  • Have you noticed what your thoughts sound like when you say them out? Hearing it in your head is one thing; you think it sounds okay and then when you say it the truth comes out. That truth could be “I really am feeling grateful” or it might be “Actually, I think I’m glossing over it and it’s not really true right now.” Saying it out loud clears the mind and can open the conversation (even if it’s with yourself) to clear air.
  • Have you also noticed what saying words of gratitude, thank you, I appreciate you can do for others? Your words can make someone’s day, just as you can feel better about your day when someone gives you a compliment. And if the words you hear are more of a wake up call, then remember – the truth does set you free, even if you don’t like what you hear at the time.
  • A daily practice I was part of was the evening ritual at the dinner table of each person sharing three highlights of their day. A bit like saying grace, I guess. Dinner started with a feeling of sharing and gratitude.

Written – Have you experienced the healing power of journaling?

  • Five minute journaling is a series of questions, morning and evening that includes the prompt “I am grateful for….” It could be as simple as I am grateful for the roof over my head, the bed I slept in, I have x to look forward to today. It’s your list, go for it!
  • Morning pages – The idea with the morning pages is to get everything out of your head. Once all the crappy thoughts, the overwhelm, the worries and concerns, the ideas are out you will start to notice all the good thoughts, the peace, the small things you are grateful fill that place. The recommendation is for three full pages, digging deep to get all the dirt of out the way so you’re not just glossing things. By the time you’ve finished you’ll have gained some insights into yourself, or something that’s going on, probably solved the problems of your world, are feeling at peace and ready to take action on your day.

Reflection – taking time out to appreciate what’s going on around you can be done in whatever way works for you.

  • Meditation – focusing on the breath, listening to a guided visualisation.
  • Nature – so much is on offer here; gardens, the beach, the bush, water, the sunshine, the cool breeze, the proverbial, perhaps literal, taking time out to smell the roses. And if you’re really struggling spend some time watching the innocence and wonder of children at play, exploring the world, curious about everything.
  • Being present – be here, right now. You will notice so much to be grateful for.

How will you share your gratitude this week? I am challenging one of my current clients to list five things each day. I know her world will shift as she starts to focus on what’s going right in her life by doing this one small thing.

Are you struggling to find things to be grateful for? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you begin to shift your world to a place of gratitude.