7 things my children heard growing up that I still live by to simplify my life

I’ve had a bit of fun with this one today! I wonder how my children remember these!

These are the 7 things that my children heard growing up that I still live by to simplify life:

1. It’s not much; it’s just the way it’s spread. Stack things into manageable piles then deal with one pile at a time. This is a great pick-me-up for the overwhelm that can come when the declutter job appears too big.

2. I put it in a safe place! And we all knew what that meant! Now instead of being clever I find one place for it that works for me and how I work. This is where it goes! By grouping like with like, I know where it is and it’s on hand where I use it (and when I need it).

3. Put it back where you got it from. Save the frustration and the time wasted searching. If you borrow it, it’s a boomerang and it comes back. (See 2 above.)

4. No TV until… Don’t even start with the distractions and  I get out on time. Now, I also add: no Facebook and no email.

5. Sit down at the dinner table. Be conscious of what you’re eating and notice when you’re full. It’s also a great way to spend time with those you love to hang out with.

6. I can’t hear you when you yell from three rooms away (usually yelled from three rooms away!). Communicating clearly becomes so much easier when you stop and take the time to actually do it.

7. Close the door, the heater’s on! Sometimes it’s only important to me. Take a chill pill and take another approach. Simple solutions such as door snakes and socks made everyone’s life easier!


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