A Good Day

Today I’ve had a good day! There were moments but these passed, sometimes with the ear of a listening friend and words that calmed or guided me, sometimes by doing something for others and sometimes by doing something for me.

It’s so easy to get caught up on what’s wrong, and interestingly I often am greeted with the question “what’s wrong?” How different the response (and the focus) is when I’m asked “what’s right?” The non-judgemental ear and the thought provoking suggestions are sometimes just what I need. I am not made to feel wrong and I am guided to consider another (usually better) way of seeing something or solving a problem. How good to have these friendships in my life!

I am once again enjoying trying new recipes and meal ideas. Today I prepared lunch (avocado and mango salad with cashews and chilli and lime dressing – yum!). I did it for me firstly, knowing I needed a light, refreshing lunch after a heavier than usual breakfast. I enjoyed the creation as I made it, what it looked like and ultimately what it tasted like. Sharing it with others becomes a natural and easy thing to do, an added gift I want to give and in the process I have come back to me and all seems right in the world again. (Next time I’ll make sure there’s a bit more to go around!)

I’m realizing that I actually do quite a few things for me each day. I’ve gone back to my early morning walk and with all that I did and all that came up for me during the day I found that a rest was needed this afternoon. Silly that I needed permission to do that, but never mind, the end result was that I was refreshed and could do the rest of my day with an easy mind and a light heart.

Today was a day balanced with work that I love, fresh, healthy food and activities I enjoy and time spent with those who fill me, encouraging me to keep doing what I do in my own unique way. More and more I realize that this weight loss journey is about living life how I want to live it, filled with all the good things that support me in living it. Today was a good day!


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