A last word on turning what has to be done into something that you want to do

procastinatePhoto by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

There are definitely times when things just have to get done, whether you want to or whether you have to. These are likely the times that you’ll find yourself procrastinating, putting it off or distracting with other things – sometimes they may even be important things that get in the way. When it comes down to it, it may just be that you have to be a grown up and do them. Grumbles are optional, humour works better.

Over the last few blogs I’ve covered how to turn the thoughts around eg

  • Remember your big vision
  • Make sure it’s important to you
  • Schedule time to do it
  • Be present while doing the tasks

I’ve also covered what you can do to get back on track and get them done eg

  • Do it
  • Delegate it
  • Defer it
  • Dump it

When it comes to the procrastination stage there are a couple of things I do:

  • Acknowledge I am procrastinating
  • Do the distracting/avoiding activities without guilt
  • Call in a buddy to sound it out, be accountable to or even just to have company
  • Break it down and do one step at a time
  • Acknowledge & reward the progress of each step along the way

We each have 24 hours every day.

  • Don’t waste them with guilt over what you haven’t done or with self recriminations that you should’ve done it/learned it/finished it sooner.
  • Keep moving forward even when it feels like it’s tiny step by tiny step.
  • The results of your actions (or inactions) may not show up for a while but when you keep moving you will see progress.

Procrastination is the final stage of doing what has to be done when you don’t want to. If you’ve done everything you can and it still has to be done then just do it.

Still not getting those important things finished? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you get out of your own way and make the difference you want to make.