A Slow Start?

You can see January’s slow start to the year – people are still in holiday mode and things aren’t quite back to normal speed yet. The initial enthusiasm for taking massive action can hit a reality barrier while you wait for normal routines to kick back into gear. At one time I viewed this as a personal failing of mine, now I see it as it is – January has become a great time for planning and setting the stage for the things I want to create this year and a great time for assessing the activities that make the most difference to my progress.


I’m reviewing what I’ve been doing, and why, and what I’ve been getting back from what I’ve been doing. I’m measuring the return on my investments of both time and dollars. If the activities are no longer serving me they’re being replaced by others that are serving me.

I know my tendency to put off doing things that are too hard or not perfect or maybe I’ve had some negative feedback. And so I’ve been taking action even if it’s not yet consistent, even if I’m slow and rusty or have never done it before and even if the result is cringe-worthy.

In the doing I’ve been learning, reading, educating myself through all the means we have available in our world in the 21st century. I’ve been listening to feedback and not taking it personally. I’m asking for help & admitting when I don’t know or when I’ve stuffed up. I’m open to suggestions and acting on them. I’m taking risks, offering ideas, giving my opinion and I’m trying new ways. And I’m okay!

January’s slow start now begins to look very different. The results may not be obvious on the outside but check on the inside – you may be surprised at the results you are getting. Massive action is possible even when life is not yet in full swing.

Looking for an accountability partner who helps you recognize your massive action even when you can’t see it? Contact me for your obligation free ½ hr strategy session to find out if life coaching with me is the difference you need for your ongoing success.