Between Busy and Stopped There is Creativity

This year I’ve had busy days and I’ve had the other extreme at the end of the day – doing nothing but mindless screen time. In between these two extreme is another space and I was missing it – a space for creativity. For someone who spent many years sewing and doing other needlework crafts, one might expect I would’ve missed this a bit sooner than I have.

Today I write from inside The Gingerbread House (a wonderful whimsical shop in The Blue Mountains where you can buy all the makings for your gingerbread house) and I’m hearing all the excitement of decorating gingerbread houses. It’s brought back some wonderful memories of hours spent talking patchwork or my next embroidery project with the women in the group. Some days I sewed nothing and would just talk and laugh and share in the excitement of others’ projects. Even outside of the weekly group, my projects came to life in my spare time. This was the spare time I planned, in between full-time study and mum/home duties.

The sense of peace as I sewed was profound. I didn’t know about meditating back then but I can see now that’s exactly what I was doing. When I was sewing time stood still, life was calm and my breathing was deep and rhythmical. I was creating something wonderfully unique and I was totally present and in the moment with the process. Each project was a story and each was given as a gift. I well remember seeing my work not only 2 states of Australia but also in England and in Germany. All were gifts of love, both in the making and in the giving. One even came back to me when the recipient had passed – another chapter to add to the story.


Photo by Jenelle Ball on Unsplash

Doing nothing is not something I do well. It took me quite a while to let go of the guilt that goes with “you can’t just sit there and do nothing” and I think I am done with doing nothing. It’s time for something.  Just for me, just because. A while back it was jigsaw puzzles and then, coloring in. A few weeks ago it was cooking. This week it’s been going for a walk. Just for me, just because. Next, it will be something with a bit of a longer time frame. Being busy and time out with a creative project to replenish my soul, now that’s balance!

Does your busy life need the balance of your creative expression? Contact me to see how working with a life coach can help you make the space for your creativity.