The Call from the Body

Wednesday, my favourite day of the week! Today I sit in a beautiful peaceful park, feeling the sun and breeze around me. I’ve taken the last couple of days off work; a big step for me, acknowledging ill health and giving myself some time to heal and recover.

Ill health for me begins with a sore throat that becomes a head cold. Not a big thing in sickness really when so many are experiencing really serious health challenges. Nevertheless it is my body and I’m listening to what it’s telling me. I’m learning to sort out my health early. One of the first things I do is to visit my chiropractor. His work is gentle, almost subtle, an energetic shifting of what’s stuck, freeing it up so I can move easily and heal quickly; yes, even for a sore throat and a cold! After that it’s plenty of fluids, rest when I need to, light foods, sunshine and being gentle with me and the demands of life.

With the physical sorted I look at what’s going on in my life.  The throat problems I thought belonged in the distant past have stopped by to re-visit. There are other things creeping back into my life that aren’t working for me as well as I’d hoped. I’ve noticed how easily I’ve fallen back into the habits of those days and into the ways of the world and demands of life. Once more, I’m putting me (and my dreams) second place to all that. How did that happen? The first signs are subtle and they get louder. “I’m busy, I’ll do that later, it’ll keep.” And it does – until the body says no. With a few days off my recovery has been quick and I can now address those things I need to get my body and my life into its easy rhythm again.

Today I’ll end with a call to action. Is there something your body is trying to tell you? It will be telling you something – if something is out of whack, or when things are humming along nicely, you’ll know. Your body will tell you if something in your life needs addressing.  Heed its message; make the changes you (and your body) need to make your healthy life a reality.


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