Change, Resistance, and Moving On

change-resistance-moving-onThis week I’ve begun to reclaim my life! You might think this is the strangest comment for someone who says I help you reclaim yours but here’s what I’ve realized: every time I begin to make a change I get caught in the trap of having to do it the way everyone/someone else says is “the” way to do it.

The cycle includes feeling less than, or not good enough, others know (and I don’t) and, particularly, feeling powerless, the victim, poor me. This has shown up in many ways – the client who insists I check and re-check everything I tell him, a car that’s needed its first major repair and a house sit assignment that left me with very little personal space. Resentment & resistance have been strong this past couple of weeks.

I started by claiming my space in my current house sit. The list of rules was long and didn’t make sense to me. Some of the promises made turned out to be not true and some of the things the owner allows are things that don’t work for me. I like some personal space and I want it respected. Admittedly pets are a bit different; they are however a great training ground and really they’re not that different. With a few changes and some clear reinforcement of the boundaries peace reigns once more.

From there I took the next obvious step for me – sorting out what I have and putting it into an order that makes sense to me. Far from being a procrastination technique, this is something that moves me forward. I found some of the great things I’ve done and some things that are no longer relevant. They have served their purpose and they are gone! The way has been cleared for what I need to do next.

And so I am doing what needs to be done for the client to feel confident with what I tell him, my car is purring again and I am enjoying my house sitting space and the four gorgeous little souls I’m with.

The resistance to change has lessened. Out of the trap of having to do things the way others do I am free to create great results in ways that work for me (and for them). Having taken a stand and action that says “I am important” and “I know what I’m talking about” I feel some sense of control & order again. I’ve had some great reinforcement of how amazing I am and I feel ready to move forward as the powerful being I am.

Do you need to reclaim some part of your life? Contact me to see if I can help.