Christmas, traditions and family

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Another Christmas, another chance to be with family, whether yours by blood or by friendship. Thankfully these days I look forward to these days. The pressure to perform, to buy, to cook, to please others, to spend money is behind me. The obligation is over. How freeing!

I do appreciate time honoured traditions. Although mine have not been religious our family does have its own traditions. There is a place for them and many were, and still are, looked forward to. Christmas morning with children unwrapping gifts is a joy to watch and be part of. On Christmas morning we often had a visit from relatives who always had the tidiest house and ours always looked like a bomb had hit it with wrapping paper almost creating a new floor covering. Christmas lunch became an easy and fresh seafood and salad lunch. My Christmas gift to myself was usually a swim at the beach – such a simple pleasure! And as the children became adults I recall a couple of wonderful motorbike rides we went on after lunch. On Christmas night, even if we’d not seen them all year we knew there was an open invitation to an extended family barbecue – such a great way to see others and to find out what had happened to them since we’d seen them last. So many great memories of connection and family!

Christmas Eve again is at my mother’s place. We share it differently now, bringing a Kris Kringle gift and a dish to share. I have yet to attend midnight mass even though I have vowed most years that this year I will.

We are all busy with our lives and generally have what we need. Christmas is the time we all choose to be together. I do hope you were able to enjoy some quality time with the people who mean the world to you. The Christmas rush is now over. Enjoy these last few days of 2018.