Decluttering Can Be Contagious!

After seeing the difference when two of her grown children decluttered their rooms it became clear my client wanted the same for her room.  Not only did I see my system in action I witnessed the transformation of my client as we progressed through the transformation of her space.

We got from here, i.e. the family dumping space...

We got from here, i.e. the family dumping space… here, the beginnings of a space of treasures lovingly displayed.

…to here the beginnings of a space of treasures lovingly displayed.


1.       She got clear on what she wanted in her bedroom – a space that was hers, not the family dumping ground. She knew there were the gifts she’d bought on her last trip that are buried there somewhere too and there were baskets of assorted items – the results of quick cleanups to be dealt with later. After surveying the scene it was decided she’d be happy to see the countertop.

2.       She saw what was there. Piece by piece she looked at everything and various piles were created – what to toss and what to donate went into large bags. What to keep went into separate piles too: things to take to her mother that they could do together, gifts, clothes to put away, bathroom items, and several gifts for herself, the rewards for the day’s efforts.

3.       Cleaning was a next natural step! I often wonder if this is just me being a clean freak, and no, it’s not – it really is a natural step! The more she saw, the more she wanted to see, and to show it off, to appreciate it and to create the blank canvas for the new creation. This, too, was the natural place to stop, rest and regroup. After a light lunch, the energy returned.

4.       And the creation began. Her perfumes were displayed on the beautiful doilies she’d received as a gift from a friend, treasured cards in a beautiful box and family photos could now go on the wall – insert after photos. She joked about putting a sign up to stop the family’s dumping habit. Inspired by her progress she was now eager to tackle the baskets on the floor.

See, decluttering can be contagious!


5.       The celebration – 3 bags to toss, 3 to donate, Christmas gift shopping almost done(!), baskets banished from the room and space, glorious space! At the end of the day, there was so much more done than was first thought possible! The sense of achievement and new possibilities was palpable.