Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

39869240_10156662671337292_2966749355496701952_oAfter two months of living in foreign countries where I neither speak the language nor have too many in-person connections you’d think I’d be comfortable with being uncomfortable! I have had a relatively smooth and problem free trip. I prepared, as much as I could, for things that could likely go wrong. I’ve dealt with the other unexpected things that did go wrong. I’ve managed technology disruptions, kept up work commitments with both coaching and bookkeeping clients and here it is – my own self-directed usual blog where I share my words of wisdom that has caused me the angst.

I am ready to step up, to propel my business forward and my inner critic has been running rampant. It seems the thing I’m most uncomfortable with is stepping outside of who I think “should” be and of how I think I “should” be – perfect, reliable, sticking to my word, loyal, predictable – offering a place of certainty in the face of uncertainty and safety when it feels like there is only a world of chaos.

As I read my words I hear a lot of “shoulds” – as they say, I’m “shoulding” all over myself! There is an unexpressed (and denied) wish for perfection. There is a strong need for certainty. There is judgement that I have to (probably need to) step outside of my usual story of how things are and how I need to be. And, for me, that’s a big uncomfortable place to be (and I thought travel to a foreign country was scary!)

What do I need to do to step outside of this paradigm, this view of myself?

  1. Get clear on what it is I want to create and how I want to be both on that journey and at that destination.
  2. Honour the part(s) of me that have served me so well up to now. They can stay and continue to evolve and blossom.
  3. Let go of the part(s) of me that are no longer serving me. They are holding me back, even as I continue to think they define me and mean something about me.
  4. Create a plan for the changes that are needed to create this new version of the amazing person I am. This means refocus my thoughts to align with Step 1, no matter how often or how long it takes until I am there.
  5. Take the uncomfortable actions that I know are necessary for the new path I want to be on. Let go of what I think I should be/do. Breathe and get support, get support and breathe. The order isn’t important.
  6. Be okay with being uncomfortable. Repeat Step 5 – Breathe and get support, get support and breathe.
  7. When there is no out, I do what has to be done. There are no excuses. This is too important not to do.

Sometimes I need to remind myself I am, I can and I will. The discomfort is temporary and a mere step along my life’s journey to becoming the best version of me I can be.

Are the changes you’re through making you feel uncomfortable?  Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can be the safest place to be uncomfortable.