“Me” time – a simple reframe

This week I’m in a much better place with downtime thanks to a simple reframe that’s helped it’s really time and with that there is no judgement, no questioning if the time is right or appropriate it’s just about doing what I need to do in a way that works for me.

Some examples:
Having an early night when I need it, or even working on when I have the energy to do so; these are often the times I am most productive.
Not pushing through the frustration but taking a deep breath and moving away for a few minutes when I’m to the point of losing it in some very unbecoming way.
Yesterday it was about washing the floors yes, they needed doing, but there was also a sense of completion that could only be dealt with by this physical action.

Other things that work for me:
A walk or some physical activity
Food, I am one of those who gets hangry when the hunger is so great I can’t think straight; don’t even ask me what I want to eat! Rest assured, it’s also pretty obvious when I’m okay again!
Laughter, or even a good cry
Hanging out with those who love and accept me; the ones who don’t let me wallow for long
Time away, whether a holiday or just switching off
Puzzles my favourites are Sudoku and jigsaw puzzles
A movie or a good book

These are just a taste of what I do for time and they are definitely worth doing. These are the times when I de-stress and let go. They are great activities for me to sort out the clutter in my head or quiet the anger that is bubbling underneath, to come back to what is important to me. Peace once again reigns within me and that’s the place from which I can be and do so much more.


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