New Year’s Resolutions or Goals?

“What’s your New Year’s resolution?” How I dislike this question! When I stopped answering this empty question with empty words my life began to change.


The more I work on myself and with my clients the more I understand why setting goal works. When you can clearly define a goal that’s relevant and meaningful to you and put an end date to it you have a great starting point. You do, however, need a couple of other ingredients to be successful with your goal.

Clarity – With clarity around your goal, you know why you want it. You are both inspired & motivated to see it happen. You know where you’re going and you know where you’re starting from then you can measure and track your progress. You can fine tune & tweak along the way as your goal becomes a living work in progress.

Commitment – When you have this clarity making a commitment is an obvious next step. Commitment means nothing will stop you. You can be sure there’ll be plenty of little things to stop and several major ones to tempt you along the way. Commitment means there is no out and tells your subconscious you WILL find a way around every obstacle.

A plan – Although you won’t be able to foresee all the hurdles to come a plan will help you keep sight of where you’re going. Check in on what your goal looks like regularly & check your progress against your plan. Your plan is the place from which you can measure & track your progress.

Action – Wishing & dreaming don’t make things happen – taking action does. And even small steps are action. Small steps and small successes will lead to bigger actions and bigger successes. Your confidence will grow. Take the small steps.

Support – This can come in many ways, some of which you may not even realize you’ll need. Accountability, help from others and learning from various sources are just some of the support steps you can take to keep you on track to your goal. Other support might be things like health steps eg sleep, relaxation, laughter, time management.

New Year’s resolutions? No, thank you! Instead, get clear on your goal/s (yes, you can have several), commit, make a plan, take the action and get all the support you need for all the success you want.

Need help with clarity on your goals, a plan, want accountability and a creative partner in your success? Contact me to find out how I can help.