Recapping the downtime

This week I wrap up on managing downtime. I know we need it I just didn’t know how much I baulked at having it!

Re-framing how I see it has helped me realise it’s okay, yes even for me, to have it! As is usually the way, it’s also helped me re-focus other parts of my business and life.

Here’s the summary then:

  • Why?
    To chill out and clear the head
    To fill up and balance out
    To be still
    To get moving
    To re-focus
    Yes, it’s a conundrum – there is no right or wrong reason, it changes and it moves.
    Become aware of why you need it and make it happen.
  • When?
    On holiday
    In the morning to set up for the day
    At night to reflect, finish off, put aside
    When an emergency crops up – a few minutes of time out can make a world of difference to the outcome
    When the opportunity presents itself
    Hmmm, another conundrum – there is no right or wrong time.
    Schedule it in, or not, and sometimes it can be at a most inconvenient time. Go with it anyway!
  • What?
    Conversation, laughter, friendship
    Yell, rant or blow off some steam
    Your favourite pastime activity
    Retail therapy
    Conundrum – there is no right or wrong thing. Sometimes one thing might be the right thing – do it! At other times, that same thing might be the very wrong thing – don’t do it!.
    Be in tune with what you need and do that thing!

Ultimately downtime/time out/me-time, or however you label it, is about doing what it is you need to do for yourself to come back to a centred place, be inspired and be in life again.


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