How’d you go putting yourself first last week? Did you exhaust yourself getting everything done or did you find you actually had energy left to burn? How was your focus? And did you reward yourself?
It always surprises me how much I get done when I make the decision to put myself first. It seems to be no trouble to work quickly & efficiently, doing what has to be done, without resentment. And yes, sometimes I exhaust myself even as I am focused & push beyond what I normally think is possible.
Oh, but that sense of satisfaction when I’m done is just the best reward for my efforts! This is when I realise I have energy to burn! When I’m in that space the reward is a natural part of the job I’ve just done and can be as simple as a body stretch, a debrief with a colleague, a tick on the TO Do list, packing up the mess I made getting the job done or even doing nothing for a few minutes. These are some rewards I can give myself. They’re small things that take only a little minute of celebration.
There are other times though when I’m stressed about what I need to do and how little time or resources I have. These are the times I don’t give myself the luxury of this one-minute celebration. This is when it feels like my energy is gone. It really takes only a small change to make a big difference. Celebrate each achievement along the way and watch your energy shift. Take a breath, blow it away, re-focus and begin the next activity. You should notice a big shift in your energy and your focus and life will seem lighter.
Rewards and celebrating your wins are not things to skip out on because you are too busy, or have too much to do, or because you think they are really nothing special. Recognising what you’ve done with even small rewards will give you energy; you will feel less stressed, more focused & more confident with energy to burn. This week I challenge you to reward yourself often, recognise for yourself what you’ve done and experience the shift in energy that follows.
Still struggling to see what you’ve done and how special you are? Contact me for a ½ hr intuitive reading on your greatness.