Is that routine still working?

Habits and routines are a great way to simplify your life. What can happen though is that they become unconscious. It pays to check in occasionally and ask the question – is what I’m doing still actually useful?

Why do I do it that way? Because I’ve always done it that way is usually a signal that a re-think might be a good thing. A new set of eyes on what I do is a great way of seeing it from another perspective. From there comes an opportunity to review, refresh or re-vamp.

Wouldn’t it be easier if I did it that way? It just might be! I’m pretty good doing it the way I’ve always done it but when someone shows me a new, easier way it often sparks renewed enthusiasm like a new toy that I want to play with for a while. Then it becomes a routine that helps my day.

What if I thought about it in a whole other way? This was a gem that hit me many years ago. At the time, I was supermum/housewife and the house had to be clean & tidy before I left in the morning. At some point it occurred to me that if I did that routine in the afternoon I was ahead – tomorrow’s job was already done. See the routine in a different way and see what happens!

What if I actually updated my technology to make my life a whole lot easier? There really is no reason to stick with a dinosaur way of doing something. There are so many apps, tools, processes and software options around to really make life so much simpler.

Once I work out that a routine is no long working I look for something to replace it. The signs may be my increasing frustration or it may have been pointed out to me. The bottom line is if it’s no longer making life simple, it’s time to get rid of it. Surrender the out-dated routine and replace it with a new one to get a new outcome.


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