The Rule of 15

Today I had to be reminded why I’m doing these posts and what I want to bring to the world as a result.

Weight loss is so often fraught with rules, competition and comparisons that sometimes make it hard and sometimes don’t help. My motivation in sharing the weight loss journey is to show that it can be simple and that it can be fun.

One of the fun ways I’m using at the moment is the Rule of 15 from Dr John Tickell’s The Great Australian Diet which recommends aiming to eat 15 or more bits and pieces of plant variety foods each day. In his book he talks about why (all the health giving reasons); all I know is that it’s becoming a fun challenge each day.

So how do I do 15? My usual breakfast of muesli and yoghurt also includes 3 or 4 different types of fresh fruit and I go for colour – orange mango, blue blueberries, red strawberries and green kiwifruit. Today’s lunch was a salad that started with the basic lettuce, tomato and cucumber and was topped up with rocket, avocado, capsicum, a bit of chilli, carrot, beans, broccoli (whatever’s in the fridge) and dressed with a simple dressing that takes a few minutes to make up. Dinner will be carrot and orange soup – with carrots and orange (really! who would’ve guessed!?!), leek, garlic and ginger on the ingredients list. On the days when I don’t think I’m going to make the 15 there are always the nuts and seeds in the muesli or a handful as a snack. I go for colour and variety or even a monotone of colour eg tonight’s soup or the green vegetable pasta (with spinach, broccoli, zucchini and capsicum) I always made my family eat. I make my meals a feast for the eyes and have been surprised that others would want to take it from me!

Simple and fun and 15 or more bits and piece of plant variety foods each day. I think that’s pretty easy, and simple, and fun, and practical, and it helps weight loss and living a healthy life.


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