SELF-LOVE: the regard for one’s own well-being and happiness

love-yourself-2How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you receive some token of affection, be it from a Valentine, a fellow single, a best friend, someone in your family? Romantic love is only one kind of love. Friendship, appreciation & love from others lift my world, reminding me I am loved, even if I don’t have a Valentine.

This week I’m seeing results from my actions, I am being heard, my instructions are being followed, I am being sought out. Usually, when I see results like these I feel very uncomfortable and expect some sort of trickery is at play. Over the last little while, however, things have been changing & I’m beginning to accept that I am all that and more.

The journey to self-love has been my biggest challenge. Far from being the odd one out I am now comfortable with those things that make me different & unique. What I once considered to be my “strange” ways I now see as interesting, refreshing, surprisingly inspiring.  Things I used to think were uncreative & boring to others are not so at all. They are my strengths & I offer them freely, without expectation of return.

With self-love & self-respect, my confidence continues to grow. I am proud of who I am and I am comfortable with who I am. I make a difference and I am making difference to my world and to those in my world. The validation I once craved, yet doubted, is coming from sources I didn’t expect. I now own it and I like it. I continue to believe in myself, my skills, my expertise and I am comfortable expressing myself, not from a place of arrogance or conceit, but from that place of confidence and acceptance of me, as I am.

Valentine’s Day or not I continue to be reminded of the difference I make by being me. From that place of self-love & self-respect my strengths, my innate gifts, my value are being reflected back to me and I accept them graciously. “I can”, “I do”, “I am” and “thank you” have made a big difference to how I see myself and how I am in the world.

Struggling on your journey to self-love? Contact me to see how life coaching makes the difference you’ve been seeking.