Spring Clean Your Life

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Spring cleaning (or whatever time of the year a refresh is needed) is about letting go of the old and setting the foundations for the new adventure to come. Sometimes the push for change comes from an unexpected outside event. While acknowledging the need for grief, anger, disappointment and all the emotions that you will go through this is a great opportunity to take charge and direct your life from here on.

One of the biggest surprises I’ve had with helping clients declutter their lives is that it can be done by phone! When you know it’s time the process can happen quickly. Here’s the story:

After being told the relationship was over my client knew she needed to move quickly and she wanted to! There was little time for self pity and she was not going to be held back by it either. It was the perfect time for her to sort and cull for the move to another state, letting go of many of the things she’d been holding on to that she knew she wouldn’t have room for. Going through the declutter process she not only sorted out her physical belongings, she also sorted out the emotions she was going through.

An hour later she had a clear plan for moving forward. She had answers for many of the questions that had plagued her. She was able to let go of what no longer served her, and she realised, hadn’t served her for some time. She sorted out what could be stored digitally, what could be donated and what couldn’t be, and how to dispose of those things in a sustainable way. The guilt was gone and in its place were acceptance, freedom and excitement for the new life that lay ahead of her.

She was ready and took charge to the point that she hired her own moving van and drove it interstate to her new home, making sure there were willing friends and family at both ends of the move. It took a phone conversation for this spring clean of her life.

Are you ready for your next adventure or do you need to set things in motion first? Either way, contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can move you forward to where you want to go.