Spring: The Perfect Time for Spring Cleaning Your Life

I love spring! It’s the season for coming out of hibernation and back into the world. It’s the season of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection & regrowth. It’s a natural time to shake off the old and create the new. Traditionally it’s the time for spring cleaning but who says it just has to be about cleaning the house?

I am one who hibernates over winter. I enjoy the warmth & cosiness of it until the restlessness hits, the actual physical need to move, to pare down the layers of clothing, to get out, to breathe in the fresh air, to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Ah, freedom!

Coming out from the effects of winter hibernation can have its challenges. The house that’s been closed up for a while, the search for summer clothes that still fit, the return to fitness that was let slide with the winter cosiness. With such contrasts, it’ll be obvious what changes are needed. What might surprise you is to find that you will actually want to make the changes! That’s what’s exciting! You will want to make them!

So begin, wherever it feels right for you to begin. Maybe it really is to spring cleaning the house – go for it. Maybe your speed is just one room of the house – just start. Does the garden need some pruning? Get out there, move, and enjoy the fresh air and the warmth of the sun. Is it time to look at your wardrobe? Do that. Or lose those few extra kilos? Spring is the perfect time to start moving and enjoy the world outside again. The world of possibility is opening up.

Welcome back, Spring, it’s good to see you again!

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