Start from where you are

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Where you are right now is the perfect place to start. Whether it’s a new year, a new job or a new project, right here, right now really is the only place you can start from. The trouble is that right here, right now may not be the place you want to be.

If you’re anything like me and you know where you want to be there’s a sense of impatience to have arrived already. You don’t want to be here because you want to be there already! eg a client returns to work after maternity leave ready to take on her old job and get back on the career path she was on. The next promotion is so close but she realises that things have changed, she’s behind on the new procedures and requirements and that promotion looks like it will never be hers.

Or maybe you’re in that other place – not wanting to be where you are but you don’t know where you want to be eg a client desperately unhappy with her job but stuck there because there are bills to pay, working long hours in a toxic environment and getting no further ahead, pressured to do more meaning ever tighter deadlines and with no support or acknowledgement when of what she’s done.

Both of these take acknowledging where you are before you can even move forward. Gloss over this part and you’re likely to find more pain and disappointment or miss the minor details only to find out they were actually really important highlights that needed to be addressed. Drill down into it; it’s not all doom and gloom, you’ll find there are bits you’re happy with and these too will be the basis of your next steps.

Acknowledging where you are is merely the place from which you start. It’s not a “bad” place; it’s just the place you are. Even if you only know you don’t like where you are and you don’t know where you want to be that is a great starting place. Now you can begin the journey to your next destination with all that you have and all that you are right now.

It’s easy to think “it’ll turn out alright in the end” but what if you’re just at the start? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you see clearly where you are right now.