Start with the end in mind

marten-bjork-623843-unsplashPhoto by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Imagine going on a trip and not knowing your destination. Some days I get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, the competing deadlines of what has to be done and what I want/need for myself and my sanity. At the end of the day it feels like I’ve accomplished very little and have not travelled very far. I now know it doesn’t have to be this way.

The questions go something like this – what do I need to do? How much time do I have? How am I going to get it all done? Where do I start? Not once do I consider where I want to be at the end of the day/week/month/year. It’s all just go, go, go. From this place my overwhelm continues to grow, I drift from one task to the next, distracted by interruptions that seem urgent, my frustration levels rise and at end the day I feel unproductive and worn out, still with a list of things not yet done. I’m sure you can relate and have your own stories along this same theme.

In the midst of all this I now hear that little voice that tells me to stop for a minute and think about what my intention is, the vision I have, my end result. There is only one question – what is the end I have in mind?

When you start with the end in mind you can:

  • Plan the steps to get there.
  • Manage your time and stay focused.
  • Know which step to take next.
  • Prepare what you need.
  • See how far you’ve come and how much closer it is to get there.
  • Enjoy the moments along the way.
  • Celebrate your arrival.

Whether it’s your day, a project you’re working on, a conversation or meeting you need to have or the year ahead when you start with the end in mind:

  • There is clarity and direction.
  • Focus and can get started.
  • You are in charge of your time and your energy.
  • It determines what you say yes to.
  • It will help you say no to time wasters.
  • It will keep you on track to finish what you start.

And you might be surprised to find opportunities open up to take you there in easier ways.

When you start with the end in mind things tend to flow and move with more ease and grace. There are fewer dramas, more positive connections and you’ll get to the end knowing it was a journey worth taking.

Overwhelmed with all that needs to be done? Contact me to find out how working with a life coach can help you start with the end in mind.