Starting 2019 your way

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Woohoo! We’re into 2019; a new year, a new start, a new direction or maybe you’re not ready for any of that yet. Wherever you are at the start of another year just be with it. Wherever you are is the perfect place for you. And with any luck, we’ll get to experience a whole range of life’s adventures.

This year I’ve started straight back into it. Having a boss other than me and being accountable to others is a great driver for me. Being part of a team is too. These are things I didn’t know I missed, and I’m pleased to have them in my life again. This year is a year of learning for me, a chance to practice skills that now have a big reason to be honed and a chance to learn other skills I’ve been avoiding.

It’s a year of learning as I complete a study course I started a couple of months ago. Now that life has returned to some sort of normal I can focus on completing it. The Certificate IV in New Small Business is a practical hands-on course that will help my new business clients – and I get to use it to get clarity on some business ideas of my own, Yes, I’m a qualified accountant, but nothing beats delving into the nuts & bolts of something real!

The best part of it all is that it fits in very nicely doing what I love – helping new business owners thrive both in business and in life!

I am tempted to look back at this time last year, so different to where I am today. Instead, I will look forward to this time next year. This is where my focus is – looking ahead to where I want to be, moving forward, making course corrections on the way and enjoying the sights as I go. If you’re excited too, then yay for you! If you’re not ready to start the year yet then yay for you too! Trust that life is taking the perfect pace for you. You’ll know when you’re ready. Be at peace with right now and know that it is all part of your journey.

Are you ready to get started but need some clarity on what exactly that is & where to begin? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you dream big and get there too.