The basics of managing your space

managing your space
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Having “a place for everything and everything in its place” can make life easier. This approach was particularly helpful when I juggled a family business (and the family) in our home and, more recently, I have successfully managed it living the portable lifestyle of a full-time housesitter. That’s not to say I’m perfect at it. When things get busy and I’m pushing deadlines stuff ends up everywhere and that’s when things need to be reviewed and shaken up.

To get started the basic questions to ask are: what is it I need and what do I need to do to make that happen? Talk it through, come up with ideas, especially those outside the box ideas and try a few things out – the smallest change can make the biggest difference.

For me this week it was as simple as rearranging a room layout. By changing things around I have a functional environment to work in again. Projects, clients and tasks are organised in see-through folders – the kind with ziplocks to keep them contained and from spilling everywhere. I can easily lay my hands on what I need when I need it. I have room to move, I can see what I’m doing, I can spread myself out and I can get creative.

And that’s just the functional side of it! The biggest change is the shift in energy that has come from making the change. As winter approaches I have been seeking sunshine and I am now enjoying light and space and warmth. I have separated work from personal life. I can work and play. I was inspired to clean and I am inspired to keep it clean.

Changing the room layout has been a re-frame, seeing something from another perspective, bringing with it new life and new inspiration. Strange to think nothing’s been added, or taken away, I’ve just rearranged it. Setting up my space for success has brought ease and inspiration and activity and that gets things done.

Is your space still working for you? Contact me or book in to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you set up your space for success.