The Next Stage is Calling


Photo by John T on Unsplash

The next stage of my life (and my business) is calling. I am being presented with new exciting opportunities and with old dysfunctional relationship dynamics again. My resistance is up, I am avoiding and stalling and procrastinating. My self-doubt is strong and, far from beating myself up about it, I know it’s all perfect and part of the change process.

Recently I’m attracting clients who are saying to me “it’s time, I want to be a grown up”. I’m attracting those who are ready for something more and want to be proactive in driving those life changes. I’m seeing it in the contrasts of my world. I’m hearing it in the stories of “I love this part of my life and when I go back to ‘the real world’ it’s awful”. I’m experiencing it with my own coping strategies and justifications and the darkness that surrounds me when I live life this way.

Here are my contrasts:

  • My work stimulates me – some of it does and I love it! As for the rest of it – I do my hours and I do what’s required of me i.e. I tolerate it.
  • I am proud of what I do for a living – some of it I am and I love sharing those successes! As for the rest of it – I used to be proud of it, but not so much now.
  • I feel appreciated in my workplace –  some of it I feel very much appreciated! As for the rest it – ah, the old relationship dynamics are showing up again. I am learning to stand strong and confident in my responses and in my actions.
  • I respect the people I work with – where there is an equal partnership there is respect and collaboration and fun! As for the rest of it – somewhere along the way something happened, either for them or for me, and respect was lost.

The contrasts are becoming too stark and soul destroying for me.

The time is coming to move on.

  • To let go of what I’ve been tolerating (or keep suffering and spiral downwards) and
  • To step into a (scary) new world (that seems too idealistic to be workable).

(Haha!! I’m thinking of the Monty Python skit “Crucifixion? Or Freedom? I choose freedom and no, I’m not pulling your leg!)

The cleanup is happening. I am taking the steps. I am living in the moment. I am moving through the fear and I am seeing progress. I am being a grown-up!

Are you ready to be a proactive driver of your life? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can help you show up as the grown-up you’ve always known you can be.