The starting point – the place to start

Anything you want to create in your life is a new destination.  Once you’re clear where you’re going (and why) and you’ve put a time frame on it (ie a deadline) it’s time to plan the steps to get there. The place to start is where you are right now. At this stage you need to get real.

Using a simple example – imagine you are going on a road trip.

The questions to consider (and, for best results, apply your own situation to these questions):

  1. What are your current circumstances?
    • Eg I’m going on a road trip – I know where I want to go & perhaps some stops along the way, I have my car and spending money, I know time constraints, I need to pack appropriate clothing.
  2. What resources do you have?
    • Eg A road ready car, with fuel, GPS navigation, my suitcase, money to enjoy my time away & a budget to make it work and final destination accommodation is booked.
  3. What resources will you need?
    • Eg Directions, fuel, contact numbers/communication means to confirm details, accommodation for stops along the way, possibly more spending money, internet connection, meals, local currency.
    • More may be revealed along the way but this is what I know right now.
  4. What under the surface obstacles are there that can hinder/get in the way?
    • eg Concerns and fears (the old familiar ones and the ones yet to reveal themselves), the what ifs, the catastrophising (ie dwelling on the worst possible outcomes), the shoulds and the should nots.
    • As with the last point – some of these are buried and will surface later; right now it is enough to name the usual suspects.

This is not the time for judging if these are right or wrong or big or small or possible or not possible. This is the time to get real with where you’re starting from and now you know that, your journey can begin.

You’re clear on where you’re going but do you (really) know where you are starting from? Contact me to find out how partnering with a life coach can provide the clarity and support to get you started and keep going until you reach your destination.