What’s next? And what’s the rush?

take a timePhoto by Kaique Rocha  on Pexels.com

This week I’m settling in to a new routine and I’ve noticed a tendency to want to rush on with the next thing I should be doing – the next thing being nothing less than the next “amazing” thing to work towards. Oh, the pressure we put on ourselves!

Of course there does need to be a next thing but it may not be about taking massive action right now. Yes, plans need to be made and actions need to be taken and rushing into something just for the sake of doing something may not be the answer. I am living a whole new reality; things are not as I know them and that’s taken some adjusting. Just when I think I’ve got it sussed I realise that’s not at all how it is right here, right now. The romantic ideas have been overtaken by the practical realities.

Rather than rushing I’m assimilating. I’m integrating what I thought would be with what actually is. Taking the time to assess and assimilate means I can make decisions that are appropriate for this circumstance right now. Letting things unfold this way is also less stressful. It is a continuing process of creating and adjusting, correcting course to take me to my next destination which may not be an earth shattering big thing but the tiniest of steps to solve my tech issue or my procrastination.

What’s next can wait. It will reveal itself in its own good time and it will likely be something better than any plan I make right now just for the sake of rushing in with something/anything. In the meantime I have plenty to do to continue moving forward and all I need in the way of good health, new experiences and great connections.

Feeling pressured to come up with something amazing? Contact me to see how partnering with a life coach can support your journey your way.