I Like Myself


What an interesting week it’s been as I ponder this thought! Here’s what’s come up for me.

I like myself – sometimes:

  • When I’m doing things I’m proud of
  • When others tell me I’ve done something they approve of
  • When my weight is where I want it to be, or my hair looks good or my clothes are flattering

All reasons that depend on someone else liking me.

I don’t like myself – sometimes:

In the grip of a bad day, my critical self-talk plays havoc and I find all sorts of reasons to say

  • I am not enough
  • I’m a failure
  • I’m not perfect or perfectly behaved.

All reasons why I think others might not like me – oh! These still depend on someone else liking me!

The journey to self-love and acceptance is an ongoing one. Accepting the parts of me that I think are less than desirable has meant learning that compassion, kindness, and patience are some of the best ways I can treat myself. From there, making the shift to realizing I am an okay person and someone I would have as a friend is not such a big leap.

The biggest changes happen when I stop worrying about what others might think about me. I know I have a good heart and my intention is to lighten or brighten your day in my unique way. I know I am gentle and compassionate and caring. I have a wicked sense of humor, I’m a bit woo-woo and I’m a bit quirky. I like these things about me! Being at peace with who I am, makes the world of difference as to how I show up in the world and these are the times I make the biggest difference. When it all comes down to it the most important person who has to like me is Me.

Can’t understand why people like you? Gift yourself and find out for yourself. Contact me to see how life coaching can help.