It’s about time – and managing the downtime

The Easter break has been an opportunity to enjoy a four day weekend. Even without going away the glorious weather over this period made relaxing an obvious choice.

Two days in and there were still two days to go and as someone who always feels that I should be doing something I had to remind myself it was okay not to!

Being busy feels natural until I realise my head is always busy and stopping feels unnatural. There has to be a balance, a way to switch off and engage in other areas of life. Permission must be granted and only I can give it to myself.

Over this past four days, I have given myself permission to walk and enjoy the sunshine for as long as I needed. I allowed myself to get up and go when I needed it without having to wait for a (self) imposed time or until someone was ready to join me.

I read, I talked, I had time for open conversations, I meditated, I caught up on some reading. I watched some TV, I spent time with friends, enjoyed good food and I enjoyed the moments, whatever they were.

There was time to do all of these without having to rush away for my next scheduled activity.

I know there are times when I have to be busy, but that doesn’t mean I always have to be so. These four days have highlighted to me that I actually do myself (and those who are impacted by busy-ness) a favour by taking some time off.

The world seems easier now, or perhaps the truth of it is, after taking some time out, I am easier.


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